Your child's eyesight is important to protect. Learn how to form healthy habits at home to set your child up for a lifetime of good vision.
5m read
Aug 2022
Reading isn't always easy to do with young kids. How can parents make reading fun and not a chore or a routine?
9m read
May 2022
It's interesting to look back now at how I used to view toys, especially with holidays coming up. I believed having a handful or two of toys was the way to go, otherwise, it was excessive, consumeristic, and not to mention I'd probably be spoiling my child by giving him every toy he asks for.
3m read
Nov 2021
It begins around 18-30 months and typically ends around 3. This is a time when our young ones are growing rapidly intellectually and physically. They're starting to understand our world.
2m read
Jul 2021
"Not all kids are the same. We shouldn't try to expect them to all develop the same way or at the same time. We shouldn't put so much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect parent."
1m read
May 2021
Many babies and young children suck their thumbs, it’s a reflex that begins even in the womb. Thankfully, most children eventually outgrow the habit - but for some, it lingers, and it can cause problems over time.
5m read
Apr 2021
"I could not wait for you to be born, but when you were born, I could not wait for you to crawl. Then I looked ahead in haste for when you would walk, talk, and be more independent."
3m read
Apr 2021
No matter how many children you have, or how big or small their age differences are, having a new baby always presents a major adjustment phase for your family.
6m read
Mar 2021
Many benefits come with breastfeeding, but it's not going to determine what happens to your child's cognitive development in the long-term.
5m read
Mar 2021
The pandemic doesn’t have to mean a halt to your child’s learning - there are many great ways you can encourage your child to have meaningful, educational experiences without the use of a screen.
5m read
Feb 2021
What are the most important skills that our child must learn? Teaching about gratitude also helps in providing a solid foundation of manners. It also practiced to lower symptoms of anxiety and depression.
5m read
Dec 2020
Young Children learn best through hands-on exploration. They learn best through play. So how can you provide purposeful play experiences for your child?
3m read
Nov 2020
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