Using A Belly Band During Pregnancy
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Using A Belly Band During Pregnancy

Compensating for the extra belly weight during pregnancy can lead to aches and pains for pregnant women. Wearing a belly band during pregnancy has many benefits and allows women to keep up with their typical activities throughout the course of the pregnancy. 

Lower back and abdominal aches are common pregnancy symptoms, especially during the second and third trimesters as a woman's baby bump grows at rapid speed! Although aches and pains are to be expected, there are simple ways to alleviate the pain, including belly bands such as the KeaBabies Ease Maternity Support Belt. Belly bands (also called belly belts) are a type of flexible support garment designed to benefit women throughout their pregnancy.

How do belly bands decrease pain?

Belly bands help with pelvic girdle pain. 

Pregnant Woman Driving a Car

Belly bands are a safe form of pain relief during pregnancy. Back, muscle, and joint pain can be difficult on pregnant women, especially as they enter the later stages of pregnancy. A woman's pregnancy belly can hinder her ability to participate in everyday activities, from doing laundry, to loading the car, to grabbing things off the ground, to walking, to running errands, and driving. Almost three-quarters of pregnant women report feeling pain in their lower body muscles as well as pelvic girdle pain.

Pelvic girdle pain typically begins in the second and third trimesters, and is a type of pain felt around the pelvic joints, lower back, hips, and thighs. The pain ranges of mild to severe, and certain activities might make pain in the pelvic area worse. These activities include turning over in bed, walking, lifting, sitting, or standing for long periods of time. There are many benefits of belly bands for pelvic girdle pain and other pregnancy pains.

Belly bands and pelvic belts can help alleviate lower back pain by supporting the baby bump during everyday activities. It can provide support as a woman's belly expands over the course of the pregnancy, and is safe to wear during postpartum recovery as well.

Belly bands help with sacroiliac (SI) joint pain.

SI joint pain occurs frequently during pregnancy due to the increase in the hormone relaxin, which causes the hip joints to loosen and become less stable. This sharp, extreme pain occurs in the lower back and tailbone.

Belly bands and pelvic belts can help stabilize this joint, and provide pain relief during activities.

Belly bands help with round ligament pain.

Round ligament pain usually occurs during the second trimester, and feels like a dull ache or even a sharp pain on the front of the hip and area below the belly.

Round ligament pain is caused by extra weight and pressure on the ligaments during pregnancy caused by a woman's growing belly and uterus. Although it is a temporary issue, the pain can be unbearable at times. Belly bands provide just the right amount of support to help distribute the weight more evenly across the back and abdomen. This can relieve pressure on the round ligaments, caused decreased pain.

When women wear belly bands, they can enjoy a reliable support garment that provides compression during activities. 

pregnant woman on a couch working on her laptop

Belly bands and belly wraps provide gentle compression during day-to-day activities. These maternity support garments can be worn under maternity clothes and support a woman's growing baby bump. A maternity support belt or belly band can help support the uterus and reduce any discomfort that pregnant women might feel during physical activities.

Maternity support garments help pregnant women avoid injury and pain by supporting her growing belly. However, too much compression can also be dangerous. If pregnancy support belts are too tight, it can impact circulation and have negative effects on a woman's blood flow. It can also lead to heartburn and indigestion. It is important to use pregnancy support belts and pregnancy belly bands safely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

A maternity support belt or belly band can help with posture.

When women wear belly bands, they can focus on having good posture during pregnancy. Belly bands support the lower back and torso, encouraging women to have correct posture and not overextend their lower back.

As a woman's pregnant belly becomes larger, their lower back can become overextended as they compensate for the extra weight being carried in the front of the body. Extra belly weight can also go hand in hand with stretching and weakening the muscles supporting the spine. A pregnancy support belt or band can help encourage healthy posture by evenly distributing the extra weight.

Maternity support belts or belly bands can allow women to be safe while engaging in daily activities. 

pregnant woman doing yoga at home wearing KeaBabies Belly Band

Exercise during pregnancy.

Women shouldn't need to put their lives on hold for the entire pregnancy. It is important to maintain healthy routines throughout pregnancy, including movement and exercise. Working out during pregnancy has many positive health benefits.

Women can exercise even with a pregnancy belly, and working out helps increase muscle tone and endurance, as well as decrease the occurrence of hypertension, diabetes, and depression. However, many women need extra support when they exercise during pregnancy. A pregnancy band or support garment can decrease pain and allow women to participate in physical activity throughout the pregnancy.

Working during pregnancy.

A pregnancy belt or belly band can allow a woman to comfortably work during her pregnancy. Many jobs require lifting, standing, or long periods of sitting, which can be uncomfortable as a woman's pregnancy belly grows. A maternity belt or maternity support garment can help reduce discomfort and pelvic pain as a woman continues to work her job.

They can be worn after pregnancy for extra support. 

postpartum belly, healed caesarean operation

Belly bands can provide more than just pregnancy pain relief - a pregnancy belly band can be worn after pregnancy to relieve pelvic pain, muscle soreness, and abdominal separation!

Many women experience decreased core strength in the weeks (and months) following birth. Wearing belly belts or pregnancy belts can help provide some much-needed support for weak muscles after pregnancy. It takes time for a woman's body to heal, and in most cases, belly belts are safe to use during postpartum healing (check with your doctor before use if you have a C-section).

Muscle weakness, combined with the physical stress of taking care of a newborn around the clock, can make it difficult for women to complete their daily tasks. An abdominal supporting belt can encourage proper posture as well and increasing postpartum abdominal efficiency.

Postpartum belly wraps, belly belts, and pregnancy belts can be useful during postpartum healing as they provide additional support to the abdomen and lower back. A belly band can be especially useful for women who experience diastasis recti, which is the separation of the abdominal muscles. Wearing support garments in combination with abdominal exercises can ensure proper healing.

A belly band or postpartum belly wrap should only be used temporarily as a woman heals from childbirth. Most belly bands are designed for temporary use, during pregnancy and the weeks following. birth, and then a woman should consult the help of a specialist if she is still experiencing discomfort or pelvic floor issues.

Wearing a belly band can be beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum.

Belly bands and pregnancy bands can be helpful support garments during pregnancy and postpartum. The benefits of belly bands are extensive, ranging from muscle support to easing common pregnancy aches and pains. Always consult your doctor before using a pregnancy support belt or postpartum belt.

Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez

I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out.

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