Celebrating Moms on International Women’s Day: A Heartfelt Tribute To Our Biggest Superheroes
International Women's Day is a great time to celebrate life's superheroes: moms!
International Women's Day in March is a great time to celebrate girls, moms, and other women who make a difference in our lives each and every day. Raising children is no easy task, and a mother's efforts and hard work extend well beyond the four walls of her home. Let's take this time to reflect, practice self care, and tell that special mother in your life how much you appreciate her!
Honoring the Unsung Heroes: Moms
Recognize that mothers are strong women who work tirelessly behind the scenes, often without recognition or reward, to care for their families and shape the next generation of men and women. Every mother hopes that she can work to create a better world for her children. International Women's Day in March is an amazing time to thank the mothers that make a difference in the lives of children every day.
While we are thanking moms, let's not forget the importance of stay-at-home moms, who are not just caregivers, but also role models and leaders, shaping tiny hearts that could one day change the world. Whether you work outside the home or stay home to raise your children, being a mother often means putting your kids' needs above your own, and this sacrifice deserves meaningful praise.
Celebrate the mothers who have made a significant impact on your life, such as those who have mentored you, helped connect you with flexible jobs, helped watch your kids for you, or provided emotional support during difficult times. Let them know how much you care about them and why they make a difference in your life.
Moms are more than just caregivers; they are wonderful resources, people who advocate for little ones, people who tirelessly track developmental progress, and people who do amazing things for their family and community.
Let's use this month to show appreciation for the dedication and hard work that comes with motherhood.
What Is The Significance of International Women’s Day?
To understand the true meaning of International Women’s Day (March 8, 2025), which goes beyond just celebrating mothers, it's important for people to recognize the contributions of all women to society. The history of International Women’s Day focuses on promoting social justice, voting rights, and labor rights for women.
Women in all roles, not just mothers, should be celebrated, but also women who are making a difference in their communities and the world. We should always remember the struggles and successes of women around the world and show support for their empowerment. Throughout history, women have had to fight for equality in the workplace and politics, and issues affecting the lives of women today include reproductive rights, gender equality, violence against women, and workplace rights for mothers.
Celebrate the achievements of women who have paved the way for future generations. Women are amazing people who make the world a better place!
Meaningful Ways to Feel More Confident in Motherhood
Moms work hard behind the scenes to care for their family. Although you might not hear it often, the hard work you are putting into raising sons and daughters is admirable. Speak that truth into your life, and focus on your personal growth as a parent.
Many women feel like they've lost themselves in becoming a parent. This can feel depressing, isolating, and draining. Whether you're awake for hours at night caring for your babies, dealing with toddler tantrums, struggling to help your children with school work, or just feeling plain overwhelmed with the monumental task of raising a good human, just know that your hard work is seen and heard.
If you're feeling depleted, take time to sit with your feelings and find ways to be more inspired. Join a group that offers encouraging ways for moms to care for themselves, read a good book about parenting that helps you feel inspired, or sign up for a class that will educate you on aspects of parenting that you feel you don't know enough about.
Teach yourself that you don't need society to validate whether or not you are doing a good job; no matter what, you are exactly the parent that your child needs in order to grow and thrive. Look forward to the future knowing that each stage of your little one's life will bring challenges and triumphs, and your child's unconditional love will propel you through hard times.
Ways to Show Appreciation on Happy International Women’s Day
Write a heartfelt letter or message to the women who have made a difference in your life. Spend quality time with the women in your life, such as having a family movie night or going out for dinner with your mom or mom friends.
Show appreciation for the women who support you in your daily life, such as bringing them their favorite coffee or fresh flowers. Think about your children's teachers, childcare workers, your mother or grandmother, or other women in your life that deserve to be celebrated.
This March, take a moment to commemorate the lives of influential women. Celebrate the achievements of women around the world by sharing their stories and successes on social media. Donate to organizations that empower women and girls, including donating to charities or volunteering your time. Set the example for your daughters by teaching them to celebrate women all around the world. They will be inspired by your activism!
How Can Moms Empower Women and Girls for a Brighter Future?
Mothers can teach girls about the importance of women’s contributions to society and the impact they can make. Encourage girls to pursue their passions and interests, and support them in their endeavors. Teach them that just because a certain industry or sport are male-dominated, women can still play just as important of a role.
Find ways to provide opportunities for your daughters to develop their skills and knowledge, such as through mentorship programs or workshops at school.
Support policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and empower women and girls. Writing to a city council member, school board member, or other leadership can be a helpful way to encourage programs and policies that affect girls and women.
Simple Ways to Empower Yourself as a Mom
If you're a mom, you deserve to be celebrated this month and always. Raising a human is not an easy task by any means. When you're up all night every night caring for newborn babies, or in the trenches of gentle parenting a curious toddler, dealing with school-aged drama or trying to plan the perfect birthday or holiday celebration, or navigating the teen years, being a parent presents challenges at every age and stage!
So how can mothers celebrate themselves? By making sure they're not missing out on essential self care. Going to the movies, reading a good book, taking a relaxing bath, getting your hair done, writing in a journal, sharing a meal with friends, spending time in nature, joining a new fitness studio, or listening to music are all ways to take care of yourself.
One of the easiest ways to wind down after a long day is to wash your face. Although it sounds like a given, many women don't take the time to practice good skincare. Invest in some good facial cleansers and serums, use the ultra-soft KeaBabies Deluxe Baby Washcloths and make sure to care for your skin.
Another great way to practice self-care is to journal. The KeaBabies Pregnancy Journals are a beautiful way to document your journey, with a variety of colors and designs to choose from. As you await the birth of your newest addition, take time to reflect and write about your pregnancy experience.
If you feel you've lost yourself in parenthood, you are probably neglecting proper self care. It's important to make sure we care for the most important person in our lives: ourselves!
Celebrate mamas on International Women's Day this year.
Whether it's donating to a local organization that supports women, writing to your city or state leadership about issues affecting women, or just raising your sons and daughters to be good, kind, decent humans, moms are the foundation of a successful society and should be celebrated during International Women's Day! If you're a mom, know that we are truly inspired by all that you do, and see and appreciate your hard work in raising the next generation.
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out. |