The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier Goes Beyond Just Baby Wearing
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The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier Goes Beyond Just Baby Wearing

The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier is an excellent choice for all new parents – but not just for babywearing! The wrap is adaptable and versatile, gre...

The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier is an excellent choice for all new parents – but not just for babywearing! The wrap is adaptable and versatile, great for a variety of uses! We know parents are all about multitasking. Check out some of the added bonus uses of the KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier below!

  • Nursing cover
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Want an easy way to nurse discreetly in public? Use your KeaBabies Baby Wrap’s plentiful fabric to gently wrap around your neck and shoulders, cradling your baby in privacy! The KeaBabies Baby Wrap is small, portable, and easily fits in a diaper bag – so if you forget your nursing cover, or just don’t want to use one, the KeaBabies wrap is another option. With the soft, stretchy, breathable material, the wrap won’t make you or your baby too hot and sweaty during nursing sessions!

  • Scarf
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With its ample soft, cushiony fabric, the KeaBabies Baby Wrap can also function as a cute scarf! Tie the ends together to form an infinity-style scarf, or simply wrap around your neck and tie a knot. Or, let the fabric drape loosely over your shoulders. There are many ways to tie a scarf, and the KeaBabies Baby Wrap has plenty of fabric to be tied in multiple ways.

  • Blanket/swaddle


baby wearing wraps

Out and about and forgot to pack a blanket? Use your KeaBabies Baby Wrap as a warm blanket for your little one. The fabric is long enough to be wrapped multiple times around a baby, keeping him safe and warm. The fabric is breathable when stretched to be worn as a wrap, but when it is unwrapped, the fabric is sturdy and heavy when bundled. The elasticity makes for a perfect fit around the baby.

Why wrap your baby? Studies show that swaddled babies sleep longer and sounder, experience less anxiety, and sleep more peacefully. Swaddling and wrapping a baby in a blanket can prevent the startle reflex that often wakes them from a peaceful slumber. Swaddling also helps a baby stay warm as their body matures and begins to regulate body temperature.

Follow the image above for a quick review on how to swaddle a baby.

  • Hands-free breastfeeding

Newborns breastfeed all day long. Or, at least it feels like it! Breastfeeding can be exhausting for a new mother. How will you get chores done? How will you prepare yourself (and your family) a meal? How can you make a phone call or send an email? Wearing baby while nursing him is a great option for moms who need to be hands-free for a while. While it takes some practice, nursing a baby in the KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier can be done!

  • Prenatal and Postpartum belt

The KeaBabies Baby Wrap can be used even your baby arrives. It can be wrapped around your pregnant belly to help support your growing belly during pregnancy, while also taking off some major pressure from the hips and back.

KeaBabies Wrap Carrier can also be wrapped around your midsection slim down your pregnancy belly and get you on track to getting back in shape. The wrap is breathable and stretchy enough for comfort and ease. While a postpartum bend won’t magically shrink your belly to pre-pregnancy size in a week, it certainly can help with tightening the muscles of your core. Women are encouraged to wear a postpartum belt for 4-6 weeks postpartum to achieve the maximum benefits. Using the KeaBabies Baby Wrap as a postpartum belt can be beneficial for supporting your core abdominal muscles that were separated by birth. Avoid wearing it for long periods of time, and remove it while sleeping.

The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier is a great addition to any new parent’s list of baby gear because it can be useful for so many things! From wearing baby to breastfeeding to a nursing cover to a scarf, to a postpartum belt, and more, the KeaBabies Baby Wrap has your needs covered!

Check out our KeaBabies Wrap Carrier Range HERE! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @keababies and join our FaceBook Group KeaBabies Love! 💕


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