Riding In Style With The KeaBabies Car Mirror
Although car seats go through rigorous testing to make sure they’re perfectly safe for babies, it can be nerve-wracking to not be able to see your little one in the back seat - especially when they’re rear-facing!Although car seats go through rigorous testing to make sure they’re perfectly safe for babies, it can be nerve-wracking to not be able to see your little one in the back seat - especially when they’re rear-facing! Newborns and young infants might not enjoy being in the car either, due to the loud noises and bright lights.
Here at KeaBabies, we strive to create products with your child’s comfort and safety in mind - which is why we’re happy to introduce the newest product in the KeaBabies lineup: the KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror!
Using a car seat mirror can be a helpful safety tool for new parents! It can help you stay focused on the road while still being able to peek in on your little one during stops. Rear-facing car seats often block your baby from being within view during a drive, so using a car seat mirror can help give parents a sense of relief as they can better communicate with their little one in the back seat! From short trips to the grocery store to long road trips out of state, a car seat mirror can help babies feel more comfortable in the car!
Here are some of the key features of the KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror:
Stylish midnight black, matte finish casing
Matches well with any color of seat interior
100% shatterproof material
Suitable for all types of family cars
Fits all adjustable headrests
Adjustable and stays in place
Rotates 360 degrees to ensure the best viewpoint
Crash tested and safety certified
Crystal-clear mirror view
Arrives fully assembled for easy installation
The KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror has two options for attachment to the headrest: the “X” strap position and the “+” strap position. The buckles are of high quality and reinforced with durable stitching to prevent tears and breaks.
When you’re moving along and road conditions are optimal, and you can hear your little one playing in the back seat, it can be easy to take your baby in the car. However, that can all change quickly if things begin to change! Your baby might suddenly start crying or become fussy, the traffic might pick up, you might notice a change in your little one’s breathing, or you worry because you can’t see if your baby is seated in the proper position. If you’re alone in the car with your baby, it might be difficult to glance behind you to check on your baby or try to comfort her. That’s where a car mirror can come in handy - and the KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror is simply the best option!
A car mirror attaches to the headrest in the back seat, and with proper positioning, you’ll be able to see a clear view of your baby with just a simple glance in your rearview mirror! As your baby grows and his eyesight develops, he will notice himself in the mirror and might enjoy making silly faces and expressions! The mirror will also allow your baby to have a better view of his surroundings, something many babies miss out on when they’re rear-facing. A car mirror is a great investment for all parents!
If your family doesn’t already use a car mirror for your little one, add the KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror to your shopping cart today to make all your car trips easier and safer!
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Parenting is awesome. Sleep is overrated. Every day is an adventure.
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out. |