KeaParent Feature: Emily
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KeaParent Feature: Emily

"Enjoy the small victories and treasure the little delights, they help you persevere through the hard times."

Today, we are featuring KeaMommy Emily and her lovely family!

KeaMommy Emily and family

Name: Emily

Short introduction of yourself.

I'm a homemaker with 5 kids, ages 6 and under.

What you love about KeaBabies and which product would you recommend for other parents to have?

The only KeaBabies product I have is the multi-use cover, and I love it! I got it for baby #5 and I wish I would have had it for all the others. I've mostly used it as a nursing cover and it is so much better than the apron-style ones that I tried with my other babies. I love that it covers my back as well, and it is very stretchy so I can stick my head in if the baby needs help, and she can kick and wave her arms as much as she wants and I don't have to worry about the cover coming off.

Share 1 amazing tip about parenthood

Enjoy the small victories and treasure the little delights, they help you persevere through the hard times.

How did you overcome your difficulties or challenges?

By relying on God and our family and friends.

Any challenges throughout parenthood and how you overcome it?

We had 5 kids in 6 years, so we learned to accept whatever help was offered, and to be willing to ask for help when we need it.

Best part about parenthood?

Being someone's absolute favorite person, the delight on my children's faces when they see me just makes me all warm and tingly inside.


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