KeaParent Feature: Brooke Cocchi
Introducing our lovely KeaMommy, Brooke! She has worked with us on several KeaBabies photoshoot collaborations together with her little girl, who i...Introducing our lovely KeaMommy, Brooke! She has worked with us on several KeaBabies photoshoot collaborations together with her little girl, who is total sweetheart! 😍

Name: Brooke Cocchi
State/City: Corpus Christi, TX
Children's Name: Stella
Children's Age: 11 months
Share with us about your daily life, what is it like?
I went from being a stay at home mom, to a full time working mom!
What was it like: life with a newborn just after birth? Any challenges or struggles that you faced, if so, how did you deal with it?
Having a newborn is different for every single person. No one ever has the same story. Right after I gave birth to my daughter, my husband had to finish a school all the way across the country. So, for the first month it was just me and my daughter. Thankfully, family was there to help. But, I did end up suffering from postpartum. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor. I PROMISE YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! Talking and expressing my thoughts and emotions with them, was the biggest help. They were able to help me navigate on how to handle my postpartum.
How did you learn about KeaBabies?
I actually had family & friends that had multiple products, they were so cute and I knew I had to get some.
Share with us your favorite KeaBabies product!
My favorite product would have to be the Diaper Bag or the Baby Wrap.
Hardest part about parenthood?
I would say the hardest part would be the unknown. Being a parent is truly a guessing game. Stepping back, you realize you are the person helping mold an entire person's life and decisions.
Best part about parenthood?
The best part is the unconditional love. The feeling of becoming a parent is almost indescribable. It truly is complete euphoria.
What do you love doing with your kids? Favorite pastime, activity?
My favorite activity to do with my daughter is letting her experience new things. Whether that's new food, places, books, toys, etc. Seeing your child's first reaction to something, makes the activity even more fun!
3 most important things you’d like to share about parenthood, what you’ve learnt and what advice would you give to other new parents or parents-to-be:
The most important things are.... hold them while you can, trust your gut, and don't feel guilty about being protective! I have learned: schedules are important for baby. Being parents should be a partnership NOT a stereotypical gender role. And take tons of pictures, going back and looking at the progression is remarkable.