Easy Valentine’s Crafts For Babies And Toddlers
Looking for some simple craft ideas to do with your little one this Valentine’s Day? Whether you have a baby, toddler, or older child, we have adorable ideas for you to create special memories with your families!
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and what better way to show your loved ones you care than with a handmade Valentine card! Even though your little one might be too young to actually construct and write Valentine’s Day cards, there are still plenty of easy DIY Valentine’s projects to do with your baby or toddler! Pick from our list below for some Valentine’s Day fun!
1.Toilet Paper Roll Heart Painting
This craft is simple and adorable, while also encouraging recycling! Simply save an old toilet paper roll, make an indent in one part of the circle and pinch the other part to make a shape, and let your little one dip the stencil into the paint to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece! You can use red, pink, or purple paint and use either a white piece of cardstock or canvas. This craft is doable for older toddlers and preschoolers who have good hand dexterity and won’t try to eat the paint.
2. Handprint Roses
If you have a younger baby or toddler, handprint/footprint crafts are easy to do! Simply get some red paint and a white sheet of paper, and you and your little one can create a beautiful bouquet of red flowers to celebrate the holiday! You can paint your baby’s hands or feet to use as stamps to create the flowers, and then simply draw on green stems and leaves or cut out construction paper pieces to form the parts of the flower! Your little one can “paint” long before she can actually hold a paintbrush!
3. Scrap Paper Hearts
This craft is ideal for toddlers and preschoolers who are practicing cutting and gluing skills. Simply gather different colored pieces of paper, and let them practice cutting and pasting the pieces onto a piece of paper. When the pieces dry, get a pair of sharp scissors and cut out a heart shape that showcases all their hard work!
4. Marble Paint Hearts
This can be done with babies and toddlers of all ages! Little ones love the noise and feeling of shaking things! You’ll need a big plastic tub or container, a white piece of paper, some Valentine’s colored paints, and a marble (or a few). Tape the piece of paper to the inside of the container. Squeeze a few drops of paint in different parts of the container, and then place the marbles inside. Close the lid, and let your little one shake it all up! The marbles will create fun lines and zigzags all over the paper!
5. Pretty Pom Poms
Little ones love to play with pom poms! They can be great for activities that develop fine motor skills. For this Valentine’s craft, children can either pinch a pom-pom with their fingers, tongs, or chopsticks and use the pom poms to paint a picture! For safety purposes, keep pom-poms away from small babies and toddlers who are at risk of putting the pom poms in their mouths. This activity is good for older toddlers and preschoolers.
6. Polka Dot Hearts
For this activity, you’ll need a set of paint dotters (available on Amazon and most craft supply stores). An adult will need to cut a heart shape out of cardboard or thick paper, and securely tape it onto a piece of white paper. Then, let your little one pick their colors of paint and let them stamp dots all over the paper! It’s ok if some paint gets on the heart. Wait until the paint dries, and then carefully remove the heart from the paper, leaving a white heart in its place surrounded by beautiful dots! This activity is appropriate for about ages 18 months to preschool.
Enjoy these crafts with your little one to create some fun Valentine’s memories with your family!
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Parenting is awesome. Sleep is overrated. Every day is an adventure.
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out. |