Dear In-Laws (Thank You)
"You didn't have to accept me. In fact, I am the exact opposite of what you expected and it would have been easy to blame me for the choices your son made after meeting me."You didn't have to accept me. In fact, I am the exact opposite of what you expected and it would have been easy to blame me for the choices your son made after meeting me.
He was book smart but quick to learn on his feet and in the moment. He was clearly handsome with some wit to boot, and everyone liked him. His character was near flawless. The expectation was naturally set for him to be a leader and a powerful and kind one at that. He was a rare man. It was his big heart that gave him the most problems because people took advantage of him. He believed in people and a second, third, and even fourth chance was his default. But you already know all that, and that's why you protect him so fiercely.
Then there was me.
I was his opposite. I had street wit. I wasn't easy or hard on the eyes - just right in the middle. If you squinted, I was probably just above average. I had a record dating back and back of petty crimes, but crimes nonetheless. I had moments of desperation in my youth and didn't think much through. I was careless often, but I absolutely always paid the price, so I never felt guilty about any of it.
Still, I turned things around in time before they damaged my life beyond repair. But, it didn't change that I cursed often, enjoyed nights out, and spoke my mind. I always choose honesty before people's feelings. I believed that honey caught bees and bees sting. I treat people how I treat myself.
I didn't like him at first. He was too Abercrombie and good. I could tell his heart wasn't meant for his world's cruelty and I didn't want to be the woman who had to always glue his heart back together. The thing with glued things is that eventually, it wore down. I was looking for zest and he was too sweet.
But these were all assumptions. They were mostly right, except the part where I thought I didn't want to be by his side through the heartbreak. You see, I used to have a heart as big as his, and I thought it was crushed for good, but he reminded me if I closed myself up to the lows, I'd miss the highs, too.
He thought he was a high, haha.
And he was.
I didn't think a guy like him could open up the world to me, but he did that and more. I'm his heart's protector and healer in exchange.
You all understood our dynamic right away. I see where he gets the size of his heart from. Thank you for entrusting me with it until death does us part.
This is a fictional story meant to capture the story of two opposites attracting but finding acceptance for their difference.
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Nadia Rumbolt Nadia Rumbolt is a mom of many trades, including creative writing, blogging, van life, minimalism, veganism, the beach, nature, and the occult. |