Baby Bathing Accessories Guide
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Baby Bathing Accessories Guide

Bath time is key to proper hygiene and a fundamental part of your baby care. But, besides being a grooming ritual, it's also an opportunity for relaxation, bonding, and sensory stimulation.

Bathing is an essential aspect of keeping your baby clean and safe from bacteria that could lead to illnesses. It can also be a relaxing and fun time for you and your baby. However, from soaking your baby in the tub, shampooing, picking them up, to draping them with the towel, bathing can be nerve-wracking for moms. Fortunately, there are innumerable baby bathing accessories that'll help you give your little one a squeaky-clean bath with ease. This article reviews some of these accessories to help you pick out what suits you and your baby's needs.


Using the adult tub to bathe your little one can be strenuous. Typically, it's advisable to use a baby bathtub as it allows you to bathe your baby safely while avoiding blowouts and eruptions during bath time. Choose a tub with padding at the backrest to assist the baby in sitting upright and offering support for your baby's head.

Bath sponges

Babies' skin is very sensitive and can be irritated easily. Thus, it's recommended that you use bath sponges that are characterized by flexibility, softness, and delicacy. The sponge helps in applying soap to your little one's body as well as rinsing off. The bath sponge should be slip-resistant and quick-drying.

Baby washcloths

baby bath tub

Newborns tend to shed their skin during the first few months of their lives. Thus, you should be extra careful when bathing them to ensure the peeling skin isn't irritated. Instead of scrubbing your baby's sensitive areas with a sponge, you should use a washcloth. Keababies Organic Baby washcloths are your perfect washcloth for your baby. They are made from premium cotton, making them soft and delicate for your baby's skin.

Baby soaps and shampoos

Ideally, you should wash your baby with normal clean water up to the age of 6 months. Above that age, you should choose a cleanser that fits your baby's gentle and sensitive skin. You also need a good shampoo to prevent hair dryness and breakage. When choosing soaps and shampoos, pick products that are free of harsh chemicals, fragrances, irritants, and alcohol to ensure your baby's bathing time is safe.

Hairbrush set

newborn hairbrush set

You can start brushing your child’s hair any time after birth. And because your baby might not have much hair yet, it’s vital to use a simple, soft-bristle brush to groom your baby. Specially made for newborns to toddlers, KeaBabies luxurious hairbrush set is the best; it has soft goat hair bristles that are ideal for cradle caps. Whether you’re using it on your first baby or not, this brush is easy to use and will help encourage blood flow and a healthy scalp, relax your baby, and is perfect for training your baby for grooming routines early.


It's imperatively paramount to ensure the water is at the right temperature before your dip your baby in the tub. Using your hands to assess the temperature of the water can be inaccurate. Fortunately, there are thermometers designed to be submerged in water and gauge the temperature accurately. Some thermometers come with an inbuilt alarm that goes off when the water is too hot or too cold.

Hooded bath towels

baby hooded towel

If you want to dry your baby off safely and comfortably, it's recommended that you use a bath towel with a built-in hood. The towel enables you to wrap your little one's body and head without them getting cold. Keababies understand that your baby's skin is very sensitive, they designed Bamboo Baby Hooded BathTowel with high-quality 500 GSM bamboo fibers that are ultra-soft to the touch. The towel is also very absorbent, antibacterial, and hypoallergenic.

Bath knee pads or kneeler

In a bathtub, you'll typically need to bend over or kneel to help your little one wash. Unfortunately, bathroom floors can be hard on the knees. Knee pads can offer friction that prevents you from slipping and cushioning that helps relieve sore knees when you lean over the bathtub. The kneeler will offer you comfort and make the bathing experience more enjoyable. Some kneelers come with elbow rests, which you can wrap over the edge of the bathtub.

Bath toys

The suitable bath toys can make your little one's bath time fun and interesting. You can choose toys with different shapes such as fish, duck, octopus, frog, and turtles that are colorful to capture your baby's attention. Ensure that you pick toys that are free of BPA, phthalates, PVC, and other such compounds. Rubber toys, which are quick-drying and water-resistant, are ideal for your baby's bathtubs.

Oils, lotion, and powder

A good baby cream or oil will prevent your baby's skin from getting dry after the baths. Baby oils are also excellent for massaging your little one's muscles and joints. To ensure your baby doesn't sweat a lot during the hotter seasons, use a good baby talcum powder that's hypoallergenic and free of dyes, parabens, and other chemicals.

Please Note: If your baby has eczema or other skin issues, consult your pediatrician about the right emollients and oils to use.

Accessories storage

bathroom items

You don't want your baby's accessories cluttering up the bathroom or mingling with adult stuff for health reasons. That's why you should get an accessories storage to store the toys and other bathing accessories.

Tips for Baby Bath Time

A happy bath time makes a happy baby!

Whether your baby is sensitive to change in temperature, feel the cold when they get out of the water, hate the wrinkly fingers or the splashing, there's something that your little one can't just stand about bath time which makes it's so stressful for the both of you. However, bath time provides a beautiful experience for your baby when they are enjoying it and a brilliant bonding time.

Here are tips to help create a happy bath time that will allow you to have an easier time and make your baby associate giggles and happiness with bath time:

  • Baby bathtubs are an excellent way of bathing your baby, but they might strain your budget. Alternatively, save money by bathing your baby in a large plastic container or sink placed at the base of an adult bathtub.
  • While there are different types of brushes and sponges you can use to bath your baby, most babies prefer soft cotton balls and washcloths as they feel more like a mother's touch.
  • Rinse the used accessories thoroughly after each wash and change them periodically to ensure they don't harbor germs and bacteria. Bath sponges, washcloths, and towels need to be aired occasionally.
  • Establishing a routine with your baby is something that will help them learn what to expect at a certain time. If you want to bathe your child at night, do it at the same time, just like you do with their sleep pattern. A lovely warm bath followed by a baby massage at night before your baby gets ready for bed is a perfect skeptical routine that'll help you and your baby sleep better.
  • Even if they have been diluted with water, always keep all soaps out of reach from your baby since they can be harmful even in small doses.
  • When drying off your baby, don't rub too hard with the towel. Rubbing hard can cause irritation on their gentle and delicate skin.
  • Every baby and family is different. Thus, it might take some trial and error before finding the perfect baby bath time accessories for you and your little angel.
  • If you have doubts or questions about properly caring for your baby during bath time, consult with your pediatrician before proceeding.

On a Final Note

baby bath time

Bath time is key to proper hygiene and a fundamental part of your baby care. But, besides being a grooming ritual, it's also an opportunity for relaxation, bonding, and sensory stimulation. To achieve this, we recommend the above baby bathing accessories that will make your life easier and help you enjoy these special moments with your little bundle of joy.

Avery K.

Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Avery K.

When she isn’t looking after the many needs of her 2 kids, Avery enjoys taking walks in the park, enjoying nature, and getting her daily fix of caffeine.

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