5 Things to Prepare In Advance for Thanksgiving Feast
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5 Things to Prepare In Advance for Thanksgiving Feast

1. Make And Freeze The Gravy You can never have too much gravy on Thanksgiving, so why not tackle this essential now? Don't worry about the drippi...

1. Make And Freeze The Gravy

soup for Thanksgiving

You can never have too much gravy on Thanksgiving, so why not tackle this essential now? Don't worry about the drippings; you can always add turkey drippings to the gravy at the last minute for authentic flavor.

2. Get Ready To Start Thawing Your Turkey.

Turkey for Thanksgiving

If your turkey is frozen, it's time to start thinking about thawing it. A completely frozen turkey needs a day to thaw for every four pounds in weight. And if you plan to brine your turkey, it needs to be defrosted one day sooner.

3. Cranberry Sauce: Get It Out of the Way

Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce is another thing that can be made completely ahead of time. Since it contains a lot of sugar, it's essentially a quick jam that can be frozen or kept in the refrigerator for a while. They'll be no change inconsistency by making it ahead, and the taste actually benefits from letting the flavors mix and mingle. If frozen, just thaw it in the fridge overnight.

4. Make-Ahead Sausage Stuffing

Thanksgiving Stuffing

Stressless at the holidays by getting your stuffing halfway done before Thanksgiving. Simply prepare the bread cubes, sausage, and vegetables, then stop and freeze. Finish and bake it on the big day. Once you have the prep in the bag, the rest is easy.

5. Pre-Bake the Dinner Rolls

Dinner Rolls for thanksgiving

Surprise guests with freshly baked dinner rolls instead of dinner rolls bought off the shelves. Just prepare the rolls and pre-bake them 75 percent of the way through, and then freeze them. Pop the rolls in the oven and brush them with butter right before serving.


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