Tips For Creating Your Baby Registry
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Tips For Creating Your Baby Registry

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life, but it can also be stressful. Here are some tips for creating an amazing registry that will help you have everything you need for your little bundle of joy!

Creating a baby register is an extremely helpful way to manage baby gifts. Moms will be super thankful not to see a duplicate gift pop up - unless more than one was listed. Everything on a baby registry is exactly what moms need for their precious bundle of love. 

There are different ways to create a baby registry. The easier, the less stressful, especially when you consider the fatigue associated with pregnancy and taking care of your little one in the early days. That's why we've got you covered!

A baby registry will require some foresight and a whole lot of research, but using an online registry - such as - and reading this article will definitely bring you closer to creating a well thought through baby registry, whether online, in-person, or both.

We’ll give you a basic rundown for creating a baby registry and we'll also include some tips that will make things much easier for you.

Pros and Cons of a Baby Registry

baby gifts

A baby registry allows you to create a detailed shopping list of what you’ll need for your baby before the time comes. Here is a simplified list of some pros and cons we've put together using

The Benefits 

  • A registry allows you to compile a detailed baby item list of “preferred” gifts. 
  • Allows you to compare pricing, brands, looks, and so on.
  • Discounts and special offers like free shipping are often included with online sites.
  • Includes a generous return policy that is transformed into credit so you won’t offend the gift giver. This applies to both online and in-person registries.
  • You may qualify for a welcome box of free goodies when you sign up. 
  • With some registry sites, you can add items from any other site.
  • Eliminates duplicate gifting and gifts you may never need or use.
  • Helps you consider the budget of your invited friends and family.
  • Gives you an idea of what items you need but will have to purchase yourself.
  • Helps you better plan for you and your baby’s needs. 

    The Challenges

    • If you’re not creating an in-person list, you will not be able to see, feel, or touch the items you want to include on your registry.
    • Some online registries can be difficult to navigate if you’re not tech-savvy enough.
    • Purchasing from different sites can increase the cost of shipping.
    • You will have to manage your registry and the availability of selected items regularly. 

      Online & In-Person Registries

      baby accessories

      Creating an online registry may require a bit more research and will definitely include some guessing about the quality, size, texture, and other important decision-making information. The plus side of an online registry is that you can actually compile it with budgets in mind and can take advantage of the many discounted offers on hand.

      An in-person baby registry may require a lot of travel and shopping hours. Here your gift choices may be limited to what is currently in stock at that moment. However, you get the advantage of seeing and touching items you want to put on your registry. This lets you enjoy the experience of shopping for yourself and your baby, and you get to list items that appeal the most to you.

      Either way, a baby registry is a great way of thoughtfully preparing for the future. Weigh up the pros and cons against who you anticipate inviting to your stork party, or who will be celebrating the birth of your little one with you.

      What You Should Buy Yourself

      Let’s face it: there are some items or brand name items you will have to buy yourself. These may include big-ticket items like a car seat, pram and stroller combo, or a cot.

      There is no rule that says you can’t include big-ticket items on your registry, but it does depend on the financial status of your family and friends. A favorite aunt may want to splurge out on a top of the range baby stroller or perhaps include an heirloom cot that has been in the family for generations. It's up to you if you want to list it, but beware it may be out of your family and friends' cost range.

      Having said this, here are a few items you should leave off your registry:

      • A baby wipes warmer. It may never be used.
      • Cot bumpers. Another item that may never be used. 
      • Fancy dress-up clothes for special occasions (though these are a favorite for grandparents to buy as the seasons come up).
      • Too many toys. Stick to the basics and build up your baby’s toy collection as they age based on their interests. 

        Up to What Age To Buy

        Essentially, you should consider a timeframe from birth to three months as the standard, but more emphasis should be placed on what you will need from the time you go into hospital up to the first month thereafter.

        Some items will transcend the estimated three months, while a few items may only come into use after the initial three month period. Again, this depends on what you may already have and what you will actually need.

        The Essentials List

        diaper organizer caddy

        For the Home Nursery and Occasional Travel:

        • Camping cot and mattress
        • Comfy rocking chair
        • Mobile for the cot
        • A night-light
        • Waterproof cover for cot mattress
        • Fitted sheets
        • Changing mat
        • Nursing pillow
        • Baby bath
        • Baby bouncer
        • Laundry basket
        • Humidifier
        • Baby monitor
        • Baby wrap carrier
        • Diaper bin & refills
        • Rear-facing car seat that is suitable from birth
        • Pram that is suitable from birth

        For Baby

        • +/- 200 newborn diapers or 30+ reusable cloth diapers 
        • 12  0–3-month baby gowns (season appropriate)
        • 12 X 0–3-month vests (season appropriate)
        • Approximately 6 fleece suit/s for winter babies
        • Booties/socks & beanies
        • Receiving blankets, swaddle blankets or wraps, and thicker baby blankets
        • About 4 baby bath towels and 8 washcloths 
        • Baby toiletries (soap, shampoo, aqueous cream, nappy cream, petroleum jelly, baby oil, gripe water, colic drops, surgical spirits, cotton wool)
        • Wet wipes - enough for general use as well
        • Grooming set
        • Medical set
        • Assortment of pacifiers
        • Nappy bag
        • A dozen bibs
        • Burp cloths
        • Bottles (different sizes), bottle sterilizer & bottle brush
        • Rattles and a few other toys

        As an extra to the essentials list, you can have a voucher option for mom to purchase personal items like:

        • Feeding bras (if you plan to breastfeed)
        • Breast pads, nipple guards
        • Nipple cream
        • Maternity pads
        • Disposable panties
        • Breast pump


        baby wish list is one of the top registry sites out there. You are not limited to stores or purchase avenues. You can include our KeaBabies products there, a great deal of support is offered, and compiling your baby register will be more fun than anything else.

        A baby registry allows you to plan ahead, and it makes life a little easier and more exciting as you prepare to become a parent. We wish you all the best!

        Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Nadia Rumbolt

        Nadia Rumbolt is a mom of many trades, including creative writing, blogging, van life, minimalism, veganism, the beach, nature, and the occult.

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