Keaparent Feature: Yesvid
"Being a new mother was never meant to be done alone, like they say it takes a village to raise a child. And yet here we are, in a pandemic of isolation and distance, with no choice but to do it by ourselves."Today, we are featuring KeaMommy Yesvid and her adorable family!
Short introduction of yourself
My name is Yesvid Gonzales, 22 years old and a first-time mom to my perfect gift from God, Nethanial.
What you love about KeaBabies and which product would you recommend for other parents to have?
The Keababies diaper bag.
Share 1 amazing tip about parenthood
Every baby is perfect, whether he sleeps through the night or wakes up every two hours, wants to be held all day in order to be peacefully to himself, never cries or cries all day long. Every baby is perfect and different. Stop comparing your baby and worrying why yours isn’t like someone else’s and embrace all his differences for one day you will miss those sleepless nights comforting your perfect gift from God.
How did you overcome your difficulties or challenges?
Accepting that each day is different and each day is a new start and every difficulty shall pass.
Any challenges throughout parenthood and how you overcome them?
This is not what I had planned. There are no visits from friends, and family. There is an empty space where I planned for comfort and company. There are long days with no one but my baby to talk to and this big new change of being a new mom to figure out all alone. Being a new mother was never meant to be done alone, like they say it takes a village to raise a child. And yet here we are, in a pandemic of isolation and distance, with no choice but to do it by ourselves. Realizing that even though I am alone, I’m alone but alone with all new moms through this time of Isolation. This too shall pass. And when it does, hugs and lunch dates and family visits will so much more meaningful. Until then, I Find the coziest spot on my couch, and I sleep and cuddle all day with my perfect baby warm on my chest.
Best part about parenthood?
Knowing that I am my baby’s everything and true love regardless of how I might look that day or of my past mistakes or how imperfect I am, to my baby I am perfect.