KeaParent Feature: Sandy
"Parenthood is full of ups and downs, laughter and tears, joy and heartache. Just take one day at a time and one experience at a time. If there is joy now, stop and enjoy it, tears will come later so fill up on the joy now to see you through."Today, we are featuring mom of five, KeaMommy Sandy!
Short introduction of yourself
Married to my lover. Mother & teacher of the five most beautiful children in the world. Crafter in my spare time, which isn't much.
What do you love about KeaBabies and which product would you recommend for other parents to have?
I love the encouraging community and the textiles they choose for their products. I love the drool bandanas.
Share 1 amazing tip about parenthood
To keep older siblings from being jealous of the new baby, make sure they get to hold the new baby frequently. At least once a day. We loved to hold our toddlers in our lap and place the baby in theirs so that everyone was safe to love and be loved. The joy on their faces as they connected with the new baby made it all worth it. Let them help with everything. They want to and need to.
How did you overcome your difficulties or challenges?
Finding time to spend with each and all of my children can be difficult, especially when I am a neat freak about the house. I am still working on overcoming this one, but I keep accepting that the house will not look like a BHG Magazine house. My house is instead decorated with love, laughter, crayon on the wall, and handprints on the fridge.
Any challenges throughout parenthood and how you overcome them?
Parenthood is full of ups and downs, laughter and tears, joy and heartache. Just take one day at a time and one experience at a time. If there is joy now, stop and enjoy it, tears will come later so fill up on the joy now to see you through. If there is heartache now, just know that laughter and joy will come. And never be too proud to apologize to your children; they are always eager to forgive and never hold it against you.
Best part about parenthood?
Being greeted every day with smiles and singing and sent to sleep every night with kisses and hugs. Not all are always happy, but some are always happy.