Meet Jane Neo, the creative brain behind KeaBabies
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Meet Jane Neo, the creative brain behind KeaBabies

“I believe in the magic of bonding time in teaching to my sons life’s values.” Springing from a humble start in 2017, KeaBabies has been flourishin...

I believe in the magic of bonding time in teaching to my sons life’s values.

Springing from a humble start in 2017, KeaBabies has been flourishing into a global baby and maternity brand. Other than her daily fix of milk tea, what keeps Jane, KeaBabies’ co-founder and mom of two, going? Let’s hear more from her.    

What are your regular days like?

Building a brand takes a lot of time and hardwork, but when I started, I told myself that I was going to strike a balance between both worlds. After all, my two sons were the main inspiration behind KeaBabies.

Ivan, my husband and business partner, and I are really lucky to have our parents help take care of our children. In the evenings, I dedicate at least 1-2 hours of quality time with them. We sing, dance and sometimes make a mess of the house. We play pretend, read books or create our own mini adventures. I believe in the magic of bonding time in teaching to them life’s values. Through play, for instance, they learn a sense of responsibility. I would say, “Come on, let’s keep your toys together. Mommy will help you with it.”  

keababies founder

We involve them in the daily chores to introduce a sense of independence. They put dirty plates by the sink, and help me transfer the groceries into the fridge. Young children love to feel helpful! They are also in charge to keep their play area clean. Instead of just giving instructions, some fun, respect and love go a long way.

Weekends are strictly reserved for family. We put work aside. I make plans for fun activities every weekend and share a sneak peak a few days before, so that they have something to look forward to. 

How do you manage between being spouses and business partners?

Ivan is an awesome business partner. We draw clear lines and respect our separate roles in the company. Of course we wouldn’t be able to make it without all the talented people in KeaBabies. They’re simply amazing.

Our secret sauce? Friday date nights! Every Friday, our kids stay with my parents, and we get our alone time. It’s really important to set aside time to enjoy each other’s company and keep the romance alive. A great relationship keeps the family going strong.  

keababies founder interview

What fueled you to start KeaBabies?  

We used to run a digital marketing business. Our business was doing well, and it was fair to say that I was living a life in the comfort zone. But at the back of my mind, I had always wanted to create something of my own. Something that makes me want to jump out of bed with joy.

Becoming a mother in 2016 was a turning point to me. Just like any other moms, as a new mom my world changed overnight. Yet somehow, this milestone seemed to amplify the calling to step out of my comfort zone.

Parents always want the best for their babies. Being a new parent at that time, finding baby products that are safe, functional, and come with a reasonable price tag was not easy. Each established brand was specialized in a certain product category, and I had to pay a premium for them. It was quite frustrating. There and then, I knew that I had finally arrived to an answer. We agreed to take a leap of faith to venture into creating our own baby and maternity products.

Building our own brand from scratch took a lot of sacrifice. But it was a journey I fully embraced with all my heart. KeaBabies was born along with the birth of our firstborn. Ever since, I have been living my dream of adding value by doing the things I love.

I do hope this serve as an inspiration to my sons. I wish for them to grow up working hard towards their goals and dreams, and rising to the challenges. Each morning, I wake up excited to give my very best to our customers and my family. This keeps me going every single day. Of course, a cup of milk tea in my hand is a must!   

What was the most challenging bit in growing the brand?

We started up in a niche market crowded by major global brands, and building trust took a learning curve. I still remember the earliest complaints we received, that led us to promptly step up on our quality checks and standards.

keababies beginning

When the going gets tough, we always came back to why we started KeaBabies in the first place: we wanted to simplify parents’ lives. Up to this day, I am still so grateful for each customer’s feedback.

What makes KeaBabies uniquely different?

Coming from a long search to find trusted products for my baby, we were set out to create a better experience for parents. KeaBabies is working towards offering the widest baby and maternity range. Our products are internationally-certified – customers can put their full trust in us on value, safety, product quality and satisfaction. 

We are in major e-commerce platforms, so that new parents and expecting moms can shop from the convenience of their own homes. All of our products are covered with KeaCare 365 days warranty, where customers can get a 1-for-1 free exchange or a full refund.

We also make sure that customers queries are responded within 24 hours each day, weekends included. Parents can benefit from being a part of TheKeaCommunity. It is a platform for our customers to connect, share their parenting journey, as well as tips and knowledge.

Which product excites you the most?  

It’s very hard to choose! I am still very hands-on in the product creation. We source for the best materials, testing it together with other parents, and excitedly working to improve its features. After all, parents are at the heart of KeaBabies products!

We started KeaBabies with baby steps, yet a big dream of reaching countless homes around the globe. To date, we are in 13 countries, witnessing our products touching the lives of 2 million parents worldwide!

It still feels like a dream sometimes. But somehow the little voice in me knew we were going to do it. We had a humble start, but we have been tirelessly pouring our heart and soul into this venture so that parents can enjoy more wonderful moments with their loved ones.



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