Cherishing Your Baby’s First Christmas
Will this year be the first year your little one will experience Christmas? Here are some ideas to make your baby’s first Christmas a fun and memorable one!
Is this your little one’s first time experiencing the holiday season? Read on for some ideas on how to make your baby’s first Christmas fun and memorable one!
No matter your baby’s age and stage, Christmas can be a wonderful time of year! The decorations, music, lights, and special family traditions can be an exciting way to create beautiful memories with your little one this holiday season.
Need some ideas on how to celebrate baby’s first Christmas? Here are our top picks:
1. Christmas Lights Tour.
Going to look at Christmas lights is a great idea for little ones of all ages! Even young infants will be mesmerized by the lights and colors in your neighborhood. Older babies might enjoy houses that have synchronized lights and music shows as well. You can do a quick search online to find listings of the best-decorated houses in your neighborhood. Pack up the car, grab some hot chocolate or coffee for Mom and Dad, and take a leisurely drive (or if it’s not too cold a walk) around your neighborhood to see the different lights displays!
2. Rocking Out To Holiday Music.
Music can be soothing and calming for babies, and it also helps their brain development. Turn on some holiday tunes or find a radio station that plays Christmas music, and dance around with your little one. You can even dance or move to the music while babywearing, using a Baby carrier such as the KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier! Your baby will love the closeness and snuggles and will be soothed by the rhythmic movement and sounds.
3. Baking Or Decorating Special Treats.
Even if your little one is too young for solid food, you can still include him in the baking process! You can wear your baby, or place him in an infant bouncer chair or swing, and let him observe all the sights, sounds, and smells of holiday cooking!
If your little one is old enough for solid food (6-12 months old), you can make a special holiday recipe together! If your baby is just starting solids, you can do a Christmas color-themed meal using red foods or green foods for a festive baby food puree! Some ideas for red foods are apples and beets. Some green foods that you can easily puree are green beans, peas, and broccoli. Bake some cute cookies for them to enjoy on their first Christmas morning!
If you’re doing baby-led weaning, you can also make your little one a holiday treat using appropriately-sized pieces of table foods. Check Pinterest for adorable holiday baby-friendly food ideas!
4. Take Family Photos.
This is a holiday tradition many families choose to do. Whether you use a professional photographer, a photo studio, or snap pictures on your phone or personal camera, taking holiday photos as a family can be a fun tradition to look back on in years to come. If you’re taking your own photos, search online for some great ideas to do with the baby. Some people take photos of their new baby in a stocking or wrapped in Christmas lights. Some families like doing holiday season pictures at a park or a Christmas tree farm. Family photos also make great Christmas cards, or frame for an easy Christmas gifts for grandparents and extended family!
5. Watch A Holiday Movie.
This tradition is more for Mommy and Daddy, but it can still be a fun time as a family. Snuggle up with some cozy blankets, pop some popcorn, and have a Christmas movie night. This can be a great way to include older children as well. Watch some well-loved classic Christmas movies that will become a family favorite for many years.
6. Start A Yearly Ornament Collection.
You can start a special ornament collection that your family will treasure for years to come. You can do a theme, such as picking out an animal, sports, food, or certain color ornament each year, or you can do a photo ornament and see how your baby grows and changes over the years! You can also make a “salt dough” ornament and use your baby’s little hands or feet to create a beautiful homemade ornament for your Christmas tree. There are also companies that will make a personalized “family” ornament that includes everyone’s names and the year.
7. Do 12 Days Of Christmas Books.
Buy 12 new books for your little ones, wrap each one individually, and bring out one every night for the 12 nights before Christmas. Reading is such a great way to build your little one’s vocabulary, and even if your baby is too little to understand a storyline, reading is still extremely beneficial and a wonderful bonding time for parents and children. The books don’t have to be Christmas themed, and they don’t even have to be new. Find a used bookstore or ask a friend or family member to donate some old books that their children no longer enjoy. Your baby will look forward to opening a new book every night leading up to Christmas!
8. Take A Photo With Santa.
Not every baby will love this, but even the crying pictures are cute! If your baby is healthy, pick a time when the mall won’t be crowded and get your baby’s picture taken with Santa. Santa pictures can be wonderful memories and a fun way to see how your little one grows over time! If your baby doesn’t want to be held by Santa, you can get in the picture too! Be sure to pick a time when there won’t be large crowds and lots of noise. This might be overstimulating for a small baby.
9. Make A Special Keepsake.
In addition to salt dough ornaments, there are many handprint/footprint painting projects you can do with your little one for the holidays. Search online for ideas. You can also make a beautiful keepsake using the KeaBabies Handprint/Footprint Keepsake Kit. Everything you need to create a cherished treasure with your baby is included in the kit, so you won’t even have to go to an art supply store!
These cute keepsakes also make a lovely Christmas gift for relatives and close friends to share with them the joy of your baby's first Christmas.
10. Dress Up In Matching Outfits.
Whether it’s matching sweaters or matching pajamas, dressing up as a family can be a fun tradition. It is also a very good reminder of what the latest trends are as you celebrate your baby's first Christmas. Many retailers now sell family pajamas that come in all sizes - including pajamas for your pets! Dress your whole family in matching outfits, snap lots of pictures, and create a fun memory!
From Christmas lights to family photos, there are many ways to enjoy your little one’s first Christmas season.
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Parenting is awesome. Sleep is overrated. Every day is an adventure.
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out. |