Ringing In 2020 With Resolutions For The Whole Family
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Ringing In 2020 With Resolutions For The Whole Family

We’re sure you’ve made some great resolutions for the new year - but did you make any resolutions as a family? New Year’s Resolutions don’t just have to be for the parents - read our blog post for some easy ideas for special resolutions for your family in the year 2020.

Making New Year’s Resolutions is usually pretty easy for most people. From weight loss to financial goals, from eating more healthy foods to trying to move up in your company, there’s a resolution for everyone! But did you know that kids can make New Year’s Resolutions, too? Here are some simple ideas for making special resolutions for the new year that include your entire family!

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1. Get healthy. 

Getting in shape doesn’t have to just mean joining a gym and working out 5 times a week. You can include your whole family in your health and fitness journey! If you don’t want to join a gym, start small - go on daily walks! Going on walks can be a wonderful way to include your baby in your fitness routine. Put your baby in the stroller or wear him in a carrier (even the KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier works!) and go on a brisk walk around your neighborhood. If the weather is cold and stormy where you live, go on a walk at a local mall or another indoor space. Even 20 minutes of walking every day can make a huge difference over time! Other ways to include your baby in your fitness routine: dancing with your baby, practicing going up and down stairs, or using your baby as a weight for exercises that normally use hand weights. Your baby will love being a part of your fitness schedule! 

You can also choose to make healthier food choices as a family, and this can include your little one as well. If your little one is old enough for solid food, try making a point to include a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in her meals. You can save money and help your little one avoid processed food by making your own baby food! Use mostly organic fruits and vegetables to steam and puree foods for your little one. You can also take your baby with you to a local farmer’s market and let her see all the products and even sample some! Don’t forget to use the KeaBabies Silicone Bib during mealtime! 

If you have an older baby or toddler that eats table food, try to create meals both you and he can enjoy. If you’re already making healthful, protein-packed, nutritious meals for your little one, why not make a similar meal for yourself? Set a good example for your baby by creating healthy eating habits from the start. 

2. Make new friends. 

Many people resolve to make new friends or spend more time with friends in the new year. You can include your kids in this resolution as well! If you have a young baby, consider joining a local playgroup, Breastfeeding support group or church group for moms. If you have an older toddler, consider signing him up for swim lessons, dance lessons, or toddler gymnastics. Strive to go to the park or local museums often and help your little one make new friends. Even some preschools have a “Mommy and Me” option where you stay with your child but still let him experience a typical preschool environment. If your goal is to make new friends, help your baby make some new friends as well!

3. Budget your money. 

Lots of people resolve to save money in the new year. This can include making a budget for baby items. It can be easy to fall into the trap of overspending on too many outfits for your little one or too many accessories that don’t get used. Diapers and wipes can also add up! Figure out ways to save money on baby items and work that into your monthly budget. Websites like Amazon have diaper subscription services that save you money over time if you commit to a monthly purchase. You can save money on baby food by making your own at home. You can save money on baby clothes by shopping sales racks and at thrift stores. It’s not hard to find a great deal!

4. Prioritize family. 

Family is everything, but it can also fall to the back burner as parents get bogged down with work and other responsibilities. Make family time a priority by planning ahead. Get a wall calendar and mark down important dates and work commitments, and then schedule some time for special outings as a family. From weekend vacations to picnics at the park, making time for family can be a wonderful resolution for the new year. 

5. Be more organized. 

Many people like to declutter in the new year. Include your little one in this process as well! Go through your baby’s clothes and put the ones that are too small into storage bins labeled with the clothing sizes. Get closet dividers that separate your baby’s clothes by size. Pair up all your baby’s socks and throw out the ones without matches. Get a storage chest or dresser to store your baby’s books, small toys, and medications. Put all important dates on your calendar - doctor appointments, birthdays, play dates, and anything else pertaining to your little one. Staying organized can help make parenthood easier! 


 newborn sling carrier


Whatever your resolutions are for the year 2020, we’d love to hear from you. Share your resolutions with us on our Facebook page, KeaBabies Love! Happy New Year, KeaParents! 


Do remember to follow us on Instagram @keababies and join our loving and supportive KeaCommunity Facebook Group!

Parenting is awesome. Sleep is overrated. Every day is an adventure. 

Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez

I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out.

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