Morning Energy Boosts For Moms
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Morning Energy Boosts For Moms

If you find yourself struggling to pull yourself out of bed in the mornings, you’re not alone! Many moms deal with fatigue and sleep deprivation, especially in the newborn months.

If you’re a mom, it can be normal to feel a little sluggish in the mornings. All of those sleepless nights can really add up after a while! From middle of the night feedings, to teething pains, to seasonal illnesses, to periodic sleep regressions, chances are you’re not getting hours and hours of restful, restorative sleep at night. The newborn months can be particularly challenging and exhausting. In addition, many mothers struggle with mental health disorders that can cause sleep problems and sluggishness. All of these factors can make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning! If you’re feeling like you need to peel yourself out of bed every day, here are some tips to help rework your mornings so that you can start every day with increased energy and positivity! 

waking up

Wake up before the kids to maintain a sense of calm and control. 

It might seem counterintuitive, but waking up on your own before the kids can make a big difference in your day. Giving yourself some quiet time to work out, drink a cup of coffee, do some light cleaning, or read a book can help put you in a positive mindset for the day. It can be difficult to enforce this if you have a newborn who wakes up all night, or multiple kids on different sleep schedules, so wait until this routine makes sense in your life. You might need to wait until your kids are a little older and more predictable with their sleep. 

Get your heart pumping. 

Spending 15-20 minutes working out in the morning can help wake up your mind and body and give you a boost of energy for the day. Raising your heart rate can help wake you up and get your body ready for the day. Even stretching can help get you on track for a successful day! Working out first thing in the morning can help you have more energy and optimism to face the day. People who work out in the morning are also more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day. 

Minimize distractions and anxiety-provoking habits. 

Start your day on the right foot by minimizing distractions and anything that puts a damper on your mood. Avoid rolling over and reaching for your cell phone, try not to watch the news, and let the chores wait. Start your day with positive habits such as meditation, prayer, reading, stretching, listening to music, or enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. Spend some quiet time reading or singing to your baby. Try to avoid getting trapped by notifications and social media until you’re fully awake and ready to face the day. 

Write out your daily goals. 

Jotting down your to-do list can be helpful and motivating. Visualizing what needs to get done during the day can help keep you on track, and checking off each item you accomplish can be encouraging! Grab a notepad or a planner and write down your daily goals at the start of the day. Whatever you don’t finish can be transferred to your list for the following day. 

Steer clear of social media. 

Social media is both a blessing and a curse. Websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok help us stay connected, share information, and make new friends. However, social media often allows people to present themselves as a “highlight reel,” glamorizing their lives and hiding their reality. It can be easy to fall into the comparison trap by watching other families on social media. Social media has also led to the spread of bullying, disinformation, and safety concerns. If you love using these websites and mobile apps, do so sparingly, and with the knowledge that the Internet isn’t always realistic. Allowing your morning to revolve around checking social media can hurt your mood and self-esteem. 

Take a quick shower. 

If you’re feeling sleepy, take a quick shower in the morning to wake up your mind and your senses. The physical sensation of water hitting your body can help give you a feeling of being more awake and alert. 

morning shower

Do a quick cleanup and reset. 

Sometimes a messy house can cause stress and anxiety. Spend a few minutes each morning doing a quick reset. Fix the pillows on the couch, refill napkins and paper towels, wipe down the countertops, sweep the floor of the kitchen, sort the mail, take out the trash, and pick up any toys left over from the previous day. Starting your day with a clean, organized space can help lift your mood and give you energy to face the day. 

Treat yourself to a warm cup of coffee or tea.

A cup of coffee or tea can help awaken your mind and body, but don’t overdo it. Too much caffeine can cause anxiety and digestive issues. Unless you have dietary restrictions, there’s nothing wrong with starting your day with a warm cup of your favorite drink to give your morning that extra boost! 

Have a protein-packed breakfast. 

You won’t gain much energy by skipping meals. If mornings are a struggle, be sure to prepare yourself a healthy breakfast packed with protein and carbohydrates. Scrambled eggs, avocado toast, protein waffles, smoothies, oatmeal, and yogurt parfaits are all fantastic options for starting the day. 

Divide parenting duties to lessen the burden.

Don’t try to be supermom. It’s okay to reach out for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. For many couples, it can be helpful to divide the household and parenting responsibilities so one person doesn’t feel like they’re “doing it all.” You don’t want you or your partner to experience burnout. Share the load, help each other, and be clear about your needs. 

Create a morning routine for your kids. 

If you have multiple kids, mornings can be tough because everyone is headed in a different direction! If you can, create a morning schedule for your family. Teach kids how to prepare their own breakfast. Help them pack their backpacks and pick out their clothes the night before. Set an alarm for yourself so your morning isn’t rushed. Aim to stick to whatever routine you come up with, as kids thrive on predictability.

These simple changes can make a big impact on your morning. If you’re having a hard time pulling yourself out of bed when the kids wake up, try one of the suggestions listed above and see how it amplifies your morning energy.

Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez

I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out.

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