Breastfeeding 101
The world of breastfeeding is expansive. Some moms have no issues with breastfeeding. Their little ones immediately latch, and their milk supply is ample, while other moms experience latching issues and wavering milk supply.The world of breastfeeding is expansive. Some moms have no issues with breastfeeding. Their little ones immediately latch, and their milk supply is ample, while other moms experience latching issues and wavering breast milk.
Breastfeeding comes naturally to some moms, and others struggle to find that sweet spot at various stages in the feeding process. Others know the breastfeeding basics instinctively while others seek help of a lactation consultant to be 100% sure. Some moms exclusively breastfeed while others use a pump and/or supplement with formula.
As many new moms need to know the breastfeeding basics, babies seem to be born with it. Within a few hours, the little one knows where to get their first feeding. Rooting reflex makes the baby turn its head towards the mother's breast.
You can start breastfeeding your baby in the first hour right after giving birth. Colostrum is produced in small quantities and as you continue to nurse your baby, your body produce more milk. Over time, the colostrum will become thinner and called transitional milk, after about two weeks this transitional milk becomes mature milk.
Frankly, the list of variations for breastfeeding could have us here all day. So, we’ll spend the next few weeks covering all things breastfeeding, so no matter where you are in the process and whatever issues may arise, you will feel ready to tackle the world of breastfeeding.
Why Breastfeeding Is Important
First, “fed is always best.” Not all moms can breastfeed for various reasons. The pressure to breastfeed can be isolating because research wavers highly in favor of breastfeeding. Even while in most hospitals' recovery room, right after delivery, a mother is encourage to breastfeed.
Here are some of the benefits that make breastfeeding so important:
Skin-to-Skin Contact: For newborns, who are used to the inner womb world, skin-to-skin contact is the best thing to experience after birth. Research supports the physical and emotional benefits¹ of skin contact, which is increased on contact during breastfeeding.
Reduce Allergic Diseases: Think obesity, asthma, and type 2 diabetes¹.
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: exclusively feeding for more than 4 months reduces the need for hospitalization for respiratory infections by 72% in the first year².
Lessens Gastrointestinal Tract Infections: breastfeeding reduces gastrointestinal infections by 64%².
Reduced Risk for SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome): a 36% reduction in SIDS has been associated with breastfeeding².
Lowers Infant Mortality Rate: one study correlated that 900 infant lives may be saved yearly if 90% of mothers entirely breastfed for 6 months.
Exclusive breastfeeding helps mothers bounce back to pre pregnancy weight relatively faster than mothers who don't breastfeed.
Other benefits from peer reviewed studies include²:
A 52% drop in developing celiac disease.
A 31% reduction in inflammatory bowel disease.
A 15-20% risk drop for leukemia.
A 24% risk drop of certain ovarian cancers.
Several short and long-term benefits for preterm infants who are breastfed.
90% of mothers in the US could altogether save $13 billion yearly if they exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months.
The benefits most certainly continue, but the aforementioned are just a few to keep in mind as you explore the evidence-based arena of breastfeeding. Now that we’ve covered some of the scientific-based breastfeeding elements, let’s add some human touch back in the mix with a few frequently asked questions and tips to get you started.
Breastfeeding FAQs
How Long Do I Breastfeed For?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), World Health Organization (WHO), and the Institute of Medicine recommend a minimum of 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding. They also suggest continuing for a year if mom and baby desire to. This suggestion is supported by research demonstrating the benefits of breastfeeding in infants who never breastfed and those who fed for four and six months².
Breastfeeding success in terms of length can also be dependent on the mother's breast milk production. A breastfeeding mom can consume lactation food and other supplements to ensure enough milk even after the past the baby's first birthday.
Which breast do I use?
Which side to breastfed on is a combination of preference between you and your baby. If your baby is hungry, he or she may drink from both breasts. You can switch sides after 15 minutes or so, depending on how full each of your breasts are, to prevent painful engorgement. Some breastfeeding moms use pins or ribbons to remind themselves which breast the baby nurses to start feeding on. Some babies also tend to prefer one breast over the other breast. In that case, feed your baby from the side they least prefer first when they are hungry. It's an effective method because as you start nursing, the nerves in your breast send a signal to release breast milk in your milk ducts, this let down reflex happens in the first few minutes of breastfeeding. As your baby grows the habit will be formed and soon you will have balanced feeding time on both breasts.
How long do I feed my baby for?³
It’s recommended you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours for about 10 to 15 minutes per breast, which is about 20 to 30 minutes each session. However, there is often no time limit as some babies can feed for upwards of an hour. Let your baby guide you. You will start to notice their time preference. Make sure you always have a burp cloth ready. Spit ups are common because your baby’s stomach is getting used to the process of digestion.
Will breastfeeding hurt?
Breastfeeding should not be painful. If you’re experiencing pain, you may need to adjust your baby’s latching, which is the usual culprit. It can also be an issue of tongue functioning, nipple confusion (if baby uses bottles or pacifiers), or something else⁴. Consult a lactation specialist for assistance.
Many hospitals encourage breastfeeding, it is an advantage that you'll be guided in the first 24 hours on what to do for any concerns like pain and discomfort right away.
You may experience some discomfort similar to light menstrual pains during the first week of breastfeeding, this is caused by the let down reflex.
If you need help, ask. You will reduce a lot of frustrations for you and your baby. Many moms give up because they are made to feel like breastfeeding is intuitive, and if they can’t figure it out, shame arises. However, there are many resources for lactation support simply because it can be a challenge. Lactation consultants are worth the money specially for first time breastfeeding moms.
Children are intuitive eaters, so let your baby set the pace. During the first few weeks, you will see a drinking pattern of about every two to three hours, which is typical for most babies. Infants feed this way because their stomachs are smaller, thus they need to fill themselves up consistently. As the baby is gaining weight, their demand for breast milk also increase.
Learn your baby’s hunger cues. If you’ve ever been hangry, you know how to feels. A baby is used to getting their needs met right away in the womb. Watch for stirring, sucking motions, lip movements, and stirring. Be very observant of the first few feedings and learn the hunger ci\ues from your baby's behavior.
Learn the basics of a proper latch. Your baby's lips should be turned outwards or what we call fish lips, the baby's nose and chin touching the breast are also indications of a good latch.
Delay the use of a pacifier. Though it may seem like a good idea because babies enjoy sucking, it can hinder breastfeeding. Give your baby about a month until you have a breastfeeding routine down.
Don’t forget to take care of your nipples. When you first start breastfeeding, your nipples may experience adjustments doing something it’s never done before. Make it easier by letting milk dry on your nipple, using bra pads for leaks, and get yourself an all-natural nipple balm.
Your nursing session should be comfortable. You may start by finding a comfortable chair with a good back support, a nursing pillow helps too. When your body is comfortable and well supported, it will be easier to breastfeed your baby.
What you do to your body is reflected in your milk supply. Make sure you eat healthy to keep up your energy and ask your doctor about a multivitamin that helps aid in producing enough milk. Stay hydrated with water to help your milk supply up, but you can also drink juice and consume water-based foods like vegetables and fruits. Drink coffee in moderation. Though it may seem impossible to rest, get as much as you can. Avoid smoking and being around secondhand smoke. If you’re taking medication, consult your doctor about how it can affect your milk supply.
Breastfeeding can be frustrating in the early days but know it will get easier! Be patient with yourself and stick to these breastfeeding basics. This is a new frontier for you and your baby. You will have both good and challenging days. Reach out to moms you know who have or are breastfeeding, find a support group, such as our KeaBabies community, sign up in a breastfeeding class, ask your doctor, book a lactation consultant, or check out La Leche League International.
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You will love wearing our comfortable and convenient breast pads during the day or at night. With our 365 days 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Your next biggest challenge? Choosing from one of our many colors!
Tips by Mayo Clinic
Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Nadia Rumbolt Nadia Rumbolt is a mom of many trades, including creative writing, blogging, van life, minimalism, veganism, the beach, nature, and the occult. |