Wash Your Hands With KeaBabies
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Wash Your Hands With KeaBabies

Join KeaBabies in promoting proper hand washing and stay safe and healthy during these times! We’d love for you to participate in our KeaBabies Handwash Challenge on social media - and everyone is a winner! Click the link to find out how

We’ve all heard it: Stay home to stay safe. Practice social distancing. And above all, wash your hands.

KeaBabies COVID-19 Campaign

As part of our Stay Safe COVID-19 Campaign, we are particularly concerned about young children and we urge every parent to do their part by instilling good personal hygiene practices to your child, anywhere they go. 

Here at KeaBabies, we value the health and wellness of all the parents in our community! To thank you for your support and encourage good personal hygiene during these scary times, we will be giving away KeaBabies 6-Pack Organic Bamboo Washcloths to everyone that participates in our #keababieshandwashchallenge.

Join us in raising personal hygiene awareness to young children by following these simple steps: 

  1. Shoot a short 15-30 seconds video for the KeaBabies Handwash Challenge. 

  2. Post it on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok (Pick 1). 

  3. Be sure to tag #keababieshandwashchallenge

  4. Email us at challenge@keababies.com with your video link.

That’s all you have to do! 

There will also be a bonus prize: the best video will win $500 worth of prizes!

So, what is the proper method of hand washing to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19? 

  1. Start by rinsing your hands in running water (it doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold), and then apply soap. The temperature of the water hasn’t been shown to impact microbe removal. 

  2. Rub your hands together to create a lather. Make sure to scrub the back of your hands, the spaces between your fingers, and under your fingernails. The friction from scrubbing will help release dirt, grease, and microbes from your skin. 

  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Make it fun - sing a song while you wash your hands! 

  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 

  5. Dry your hands. That’s all there is to it! 

Using hand sanitizer is also helpful, but the CDC recommends hand washing overusing hand sanitizer if you can. Washing with soap and water, instead of a sanitizer with high alcohol content, can be safer and less irritating on your little one’s hands. 

Follow these simple steps to keep you and your little ones safe! 


Do remember to follow us on Instagram @keababies and join our loving and supportive KeaCommunity Facebook Group!

Parenting is awesome. Sleep is overrated. Every day is an adventure. 

Meet Our KeaMommy Contributor: Kaitlyn Torrez

I’m Kaitlyn Torrez, from the San Francisco Bay Area. I live with my husband and two children, Roman and Logan. I’m a former preschool teacher, currently enjoying being a stay at home mom. I love all things writing, coffee, and chocolate. In my free time, I enjoy reading, blogging, and working out.

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